Thursday, April 22, 2010

Help $30 S.A. Shirts Find A Home

After several years of covering the city's sales, we're still struck by the rapid downhill trajectory taken by particular products. Take the 50-odd Steven Alan shirts that retailed for $200 just last year, which can now be found in 5th Avenue's never-ending sample sale -- between 28th & 29th -- for $30 each. They're highly-wearable, in good condition, come in sizes S-L, and are accompanied by another 150-odd equally-wearable spring shirts from Loden Dager, Claiborne by John Bartlett, and John Varvatos. As a lover of clothes -- and Steven Alan's clothes in particular -- it's actually quite a sad sight. Go give those shirts a good home. They deserve better.

Never-Ending Sample Sale (not official name) - 260 5th Ave between 28th & 29th - 10am-7pm daily - Map


  1. seems like a great deal - what's so sad about that?

  2. I've never found anything wrong with Steve Alan shirts, but nothing all that great either.

    Beggar, you seem to have an affection for them that borders on sentimental. Not judging, we are all entitled to our preferences.

  3. i think SA's expansion kind of did them in along with the regularity of their sample sales. i've got a black watch raincoat from them that i rather enjoy, but i can't imagine paying full retail for there stuff given the UWS outpost, their regular sample sales, and their increasing ubiquity on Gilt and other sample site. i'll agree they make nice stuff, but they don't tell a $200 story.

  4. I like them and need more of them. Keep the tips coming!

  5. went this morning, no S, barely any M and those were mostly pink solid or short sleeve solids, no plaids in M, a few XL and XXL. Disappointed I went early this morning, already picked over. Some nice blazers and pants, mostly on the larger side, not a big selection, either. I wouldn't recommend it.

  6. Thanks Anonymous for the tip! Was going to go there after work with a buddy.

  7. Went this morning before work and scored 3 Steven Alan plaid Ms longsleeve, and 2 Loden Dager sold Ms shortsleeve. entire new spring wardrobe for $150. score!

  8. I think the sad thing is that if you can buy all these $200 shirts for $30, then they are really not worth $200. I think that some designers and the like should lower prices at their retail store and try to avoid sample sales all together. Don't get me wrong I love a bargain. But, when I am shopping if I see something that I like (as long as it isn't a must have), I will wait for the sample sale or Gilt. Use John Varvatos for example, I don't buy anything from the retail store. I try the items on and find my size, and wait a month or two and but it on sale. Basic economics, if you have sweaters for $500 sell 60%, and then months later sell them for $150, why not retail them for $300. Then maybe some of these labels with keep their allure.

  9. Went Friday evening ~7pm; there was a decent selection of Steven Alan Ms and Ls, all made in USA (v. SA's brief flirtation with Made in Macau). They are constantly restocking and shuffling things around on the racks -- like in a crazy OCD Rain Man way; it's a treasure hunt!

    I would say go now rather than later: apparently a PO'd Steven Alan himself (or some representative of SA) has been by the place repeatedly to speak to the manager. The door guy and the cashier were talking about how it's getting harder and harder to give SA the runaround. Is this just a slightly classier version of those borderline illegal wig/luggage/dashiki/designer imposter perfume/TummyHilfanger shirt shops a block over on Broadway?

  10. was by here this morning and counted 3 remaining SA shirts. 2 long, one shortsleeve. all were a little too blah, even for 30 bones, to jam in my closet. is this the power of the beggar - 47+ shirts gone since this post? SA are fine, by the way but don't see the big deal. almost bought one though just bc mr. beggar likes them so much.

  11. I bought a bunch of shirts from them. Actually about 9 in XXL. I love the cut and length. pssst...secret that I don't want to blow up my spot but they have a lot of SA shirts. A LOT!

  12. They also had some great sport coats. Picked up to cotton jackets, one Varvatos Star USA and another John Bartlett, for $230.

    This place is a little shady and the store people will let you haggle with them. They don't really know the value of the clothes and just price the stuff to move. Talked them down from like $300.
