Wednesday, November 12, 2008

River, Is That You?

Thursday through Saturday, Mike & Chris will be taking up to 75% off their sweet, sweet leather jackets, hoodies, and bags.

**Warning: A Racked reader waded all the way into Urinetown, a.k.a. Port Authority territory, only to find no Mike & Chris sale! And in this wretched weather! Not cool.***

Mike & Chris sample sale - 447 W 36th St between 9th & 10th - 5th fl - Thurs-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 10am-3pm - Map


  1. Yup - they were supposed to be in the space on Wednesday and never showed up.

    Luckily I only work three blocks away.

  2. wasted my time going there. they could've been more professional
