What Lies Beneath
New York Times photog-about-town Bill Cunningham has us take a look at some fall men’s wear before the winter coats come out and cover it all up. “Men, you know, are really stubborn,” says the preternaturally charming Cunningham. “They have their imagery, and that’s it! Don’t tamper with it, and don’t call it fashion! It is style.” Before going over several seasonal trends, Cunningham notes, “Men are involved in classic cuts of clothes to the body if they’re going to spend big money, or there are other men who (have) kind of given a kick to the classics,” later adding, “Dress-down Friday … is slowly receding, and a new generation is coming in and experimenting with dressing up.” Here's another priceless Cunningham series.
When you're right, you're right, Thanks Dunlop!