Monday, April 5, 2010

Wisin' Up

It's great to see guys putting more thought into what they wear, but, being Beggars, we're more excited about the creativity -- and sensibility -- that's going into the actual buying process. From eBay to thrift shops to Uniqlo to sample sales, Joshua Kissi and Travis Gumbs of Street Etiquette (left) show GQ how it's done here. Meanwhile, John from Reading, PA (right), diligently breaks down the anatomy of a $150 outfit for Put This On. Thrift shops and Salvation Army stores; flee markets and yard sales; warehouse, overstock and clearance deals -- This guy is fearless in his pursuit of the deal. Of course, success on par with Team Etiquette and Big John requires a little effort, but arguably no more than the work it takes to execute any degree of style. Productive deal hunting needn't take more out of you than, say, trips to the barber. More important than time & physical effort is a good eye for quality & style -- no matter where you find it.

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