Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Worthy At Retail: Edward

Next time you're in wardrobe-building mode, definitely consider Edward. ACL's got a closer look at the new collaborative men's line from Odin and Duckie Brown. Sure, most everything ACL features is highly-wearable, but, as its author Michael Williams writes, "The best part about the modest 17 piece collection is the value for money ... Nothing in the Edward range retails for over 500 bucks and all of it is made in America." Nice. Online and in store, expect Edward in less than a week.

Odin - 328 East 11th St between 1st and 2nd - 212-475-0666 - Map
Odin - 199 Lafayette St between Broome and Kenmare - 212-966-0026 - Map


  1. i'm curious about the fabrication. has anyone seen any of this in person. I was pretty psyched about the Duckie Brown x Florsheim collab till i saw them in person. here's hoping this stuff is high quality.

  2. While he didn't go into details, ACL appears to have endorsed the quality of the line. Still, we curious to see for ourselves.

  3. That P-Coat pictured is one of the most comfortable pieces of outerwear I've ever tried on.
