Thursday, February 26, 2009

Breaking The Seal

In the wake of the steepest markdowns in years, the International Herald Tribune asks whether big-brands can ever again charge full-price for luxury goods. The answer? No one knows, but experts are observing a fundamental shift in the way consumers value products. [IHT]

"The longer [the recession] lasts, the better [consumers] will feel about a more permanently frugal and wholesome lifestyle," one industry type tells the paper. "This may last an entire generation," ... "like the period after World War II," the IHT adds.

"We haven't seen a fundamental change in human condition but a shift in social conditions and human psychology," another analyst notes. "There is a much greater examination of what constitutes value and authenticity. People are buying with wisdom. And the big trend is guilt. Shopping is social, it is part of a trend. And people now want guilt-free shopping."

The Beggar abides.

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