Friday, February 27, 2009

A Swagger Shrewd

He owns way too many clothes -- filling over five closets?! -- and from some questionable brands -- Kenneth Cole, Aldo, Madden, Dragonfly?!?! -- but Esquire's "Best Dressed Real Man" in America is still shrewd beyond his years:

He makes about $150,000 a year, but, to him, "Spending conspicuously right now seems a little tasteless."
He has always shopped for deals, continues to do so.
He gets online coupons for stores that he enjoys, like Saks and the Ralph Lauren outlet.
On Black Friday, he was up and out of the house by 5:00 A.M., hunting bargains.
He scoffs at people who buy the exact outfits off the mannequins in stores.
He's always looking for ways to maximize his wardrobe, ways to recombine or recycle.
From his college roommate he learned that if you buy cheap, you're going to pay more.
His philosophy has always been "Money can buy you fashion, but it can't buy you style," neither talent nor class.
He believes that having something that screams "I paid a ton of money for this" pales in comparison to someone saying, "Wow, I never thought of putting those pieces together that way."


  1. There are many ways to save money on good clothing, but getting up at 5am on Black Friday is not one of them.

  2. Agreed, Anon. Not in NYC, anyway. This guy is from Ohio.
