Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From The Blessed Stuart & Wright Sale

Just coming back from the Stuart & Wright sale where we found an impressive selection, including several truly rock-bottom deals. The sale goes though Sunday, from 12pm to 7pm daily. Oh, and the commute on the C train couldn't be easier.
Obedient Sons shirts for just $40! (Turns out that S&W was the recipient of OS's remaining stock)
Not as a sweet a deal, but we're loving these OS waxed jackets for $200
Men.Style's peacoat of the year, from Unis, for just $120!
At a fraction of their retail price, piles of Mason's pants for just $25!
In an entire rack of very nicely priced Rober Geller, find these felt bombers for $200!
... And RG shirts for just $60!
Shoes -- from Geller, Comey, and YMC -- make the only less-than-impressive showing

Stuart & Wright - 85 Lafayette Ave between South Elliott Pl and South Portland Ave, Fort Greene, Brooklyn - 718-797-0011 - Take the C to Lafayette or the G to Fulton - Map


  1. Stuart and Wright rocks.

  2. Thanks for the wondeful tip on the early start CB!!! I trudged the heavy snow from Manhattan last night to venture to this precious gem of a store. I was literally dizzy from the choices available - APC, Rogues Gallery, UNIS, Obedient Sons....S&H etc. The staff was especially helpful and pretty much left you to yourself to sort through the goods. There are some really good deals if you dig around long enough. The fitting room was a bit on the small side and its shared - also, there is no curtain so kinda odd when you have to try on pants as half of the store can see you. There is a HUGE mirror next to the cashier to try on jackets, etc... The BEST deals were definitely the Robert Geller outerwear - ranging from 100-200. They had yen prices scratched off so they might be imported from Japan (not sure). The shoe selection was limited to sizes 9 and up. IN the end, I couldn't help myself and got 2 Obedient Son's shirt. They were so beautifully made and the fit/detail was just superb!!! Now I'm kicking myself for not going to that SS they had before they closed - DARN!! This sale is definitely worth the semi-long train ride!!

  3. Do they have size L in Obedient Sons shirting?

  4. YES!!! They had 'em for $40 each - really cheap!!

  5. Last night they had 4-5 Obedient Sons shirts left. I bought two of them, both size L.

  6. Bought a Rachel Comey shoe and a hat, too bad most of the stuff I am eyeing are Gone
