Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dept. Of Self-Referential Artifice

Albo checks out Odin's new West Village locale where Oliver Spencer once resided. We love Oliver Spencer (which is slated to take over Odin's East Village shop Den) and the fact that we can always count on its 65%-off store-wide sales. Odin, which we love just the same, is more resistant to such extreme plunges. [Critical Shopper]

Also, Albo's portrait of today's on-trend man is priceless: "Steeped as we are in decades of postmodern self-referential artifice, we don’t just want to look like backwoodsmen; we want to look like actors from the 1950s playing backwoodsmen of the 1890s, but in a totally fresh, laid-back 2009 kind of way."


  1. I also thought Albo's line that you quoted was really striking. It seems that this spirit applies across all different fashion tribes. No one just "is" something.....they're trying to be a meta-representation of whatever archtype they draw their inspiration.

    (I should note that I plead guilty to the same crime myself)

  2. I'm wondering if the backwoodsmen look is starting to jump the shark; I was at Barneys Co-op floor last night and it seemed like every other shirt was a large plaid flannel sort of thing.
