Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's To Hair On Your Face

Facial hair -- full beards and mustaches, specifically -- are gracing the faces of ever more stylish men. (BlackBook's just the latest to note the trend.) Now, there's a right way and a wrong way to wear face hair, so we strongly suggest consulting a knowledgeable barber before proceeding. Otherwise, we completely endorse the movement. Not only do beards and 'staches promote boldness and whimsy, but they're two of the few accessories that the human body produces naturally, free of charge.

1 comment:

  1. facial hair done well is just as valuable as a well-put outfit.
    but it's unfortunate for men like me (an Oriental) who cannot grow lots of facial hair for the death of me.
    i do get a bit jealous thinking about it, but I am also fortunate because my facial hair if low maintenance.
