Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fading Hickey

Um, about that Hickey on Grand? The city's only one? Yeah, it's toast. [Racked]

Get ready for the sample sale next Thursday, 9/3. More details to come.


  1. Nuts, I liked their stuff, but way too expensive other than on sale.
    Will their inventory show up at Century21? It has in the past.

  2. WAY overpriced. Reasonable when at least 60% off. They would have to be 75% off to be competitive with other bargains out there

  3. It can normally be found at Century 21. Will be at least 80% off next week, but expect true sample sale sizes, i.e., medium and small

  4. I'm not sure what Hickey's pricing strategy is, but they seem to price their merch on the high side and than have huge reductions. Even on their own web site, the suits are cut down by 50 or 60 percent.

    I thought I got a great deal on a Hickey shirt at Bloomies and then saw it reduced even more on Overstock. On Overstock!

    I think this strategy devaules the brand and alienates real fashion consumers. They haven't established themselves enough to be a Joseph Aboud or CK, the kind of cheap stuff you find at Dept. Stores.

    Incidentally, there is a new Hickey Freeman opening on 5th Ave. Most people I know like their stuff, but the jury is still out on Hickey.
