Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Late-Summer Reading

Here's a fascinating read for anyone who've ever suspected that "fast fashion" -- or the voracious consumption of super trendy, low quality "disposable" goods encouraged by retail chains like H&M -- might have a dark side. [USAToday via Selectism]

While it may be obvious to most of you, we want to touch on one point that author Ellen Ruppel Shell makes in her book, Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture. Over the years, she notes, "The focus switched from the object to the deal: If the deal was good, the object under consideration became less critical to the transaction." Now, we at The Beggar absolutely focus on deals, but, for us, a "deal" represents the overall value of an object at a given price. In other words, the price and quality of an object should always be considered before making a purchase.

1 comment:

  1. This looks fascinating. Thanks for the tip.

    Capitalism has brainwashed a lot of us into neglecting where the items we purchase and consume come from, and what the effects that our choices have on the rest of the world. My fiancee just finished reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle which touches on similar points in the food industry. I'll definitely check this out.
