Sunday, December 7, 2008

While The Getting's Good

Wednesday and Thursday, Rag & Bone is hosting its official sample sale, but a little birdie tells us that Tuesday is the day to go… if you can pass for “friends and family.”

Rag & Bone sample sale - 425 West 13th St - 6th fl - 1pm-8pm daily - Map


  1. they have an official invitation for F&F..... I would really love to get first dibs on these items...... :) Can anyone send me an invite..?? Or offer some tips.....

  2. No official invite that we know of, Ro1, but you never know.

  3. It's always been cool to just show up... I've been twice and never had an invite.

    CB, any word on the hours for Tuesday? Still 1-8pm?

  4. no invite needed :)

    got a great wool coat, and a free lunch
    they have yummy cheese, fruit and pies :)
    yummy :)
