Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hallelujah! It's A Sartorial Revival!

In just two years, the collective sartorial intelligence of New York men has increased exponentially. So says Vahram Mateosian, proprietor of legendary custom suit shop Mr. Ned on Fifth Avenue. The New York Observer (The Beggar's alma mater) attributes the raised awareness to recent technological advances, which have made custom tailoring less costly. Case in point, "a sort of Men’s Warehouse of made-to-measure suits called My.Suit just opened up two stores in town, offering suits for $495 a pop!" In case you're wondering, "Affordable for Ned means $850 ... for a two-piece cut of the cloth he keeps in stock." [Kempt]


  1. Does anyone have an experience using my.suit?

  2. We plan on putting My.Suit to the test. In the mean time, we'd love to hear from anyone who already has. Anyone?

  3. I was been thinking about getting one made, trying to include as many customizations as possible.
    Now after a lot of research I'm hesitant, most comments on the web are not very favorable (same goes to Astor & Black)
