Monday, March 22, 2010

'Ruff' Reception

Long story short, respected Ruffian designers Brian Wolk and Claude Morais got together with Macy's for a diffusion line named Threads & Heirs... And it sucks. Or, as The Shophound writes: "It's not aggressively unattractive, like Ed Hardy for example, but it doesn't look to us like anything you wouldn't otherwise expect to find at Macy's ... It's just kind of blah." [The Shophound]


  1. not the impression i got clicking through to SH article, which seems to suggest the line is average with potential. it pains me to see such simple and unnuanced pronouncements of the hard work of young designers.

  2. Whether the designers are hard working and young or not, SH doesn't say anything about their line's 'potential.' That said, we'll gladly publish your sophisticated and nuanced review... if you care to write it. With limited resources, it doesn't appear to be worth our time.

  3. anon@2:36, speaking specifically of the two sentences following your quote. I can certainly appreciate the constraints on your time, perhaps some clarification of your p.o.v. would help in determining whether our tastes jibe as simply saying something sucks without reference to fit, quality, price, or other metric skews the message a bit for this reader.

  4. Sure, but just to be clear, we weren't reviewing the line ourselves. We were just summing up SH's sentiment, and, in our mind, saying that something's "not aggressively unattractive" basically means it sucks. To illustrate, next time your significant other asks you how they look, tell them 'not aggressively unattractive,' and see what happens...
