Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trickers' $132 Treats (Corrected)

Thanks to manufacturing hiccups -- like overstocking and design imperfections -- it's quite common to find topnotch dress shoes selling for a fraction of their retail prices on eBay and StyleForum. It's less common to find such stock on more "official" channels. Enter British etailer ASOS, which is carrying these tassel loafers for $132. Selectism swears they're hand-crafted at the same Tricker's factory in Northhampton, England where identical pairs are sent off to sell for about $462... on ASOS! [Selectism via Valet.]

Correction: Mr. Tweed, of Scandinavia's Tweed Country Sports, says he's spoken with Tricker's sales manager Roy Martiniak, and that these loafers are not made by Tricker's -- nor are any of the other "Asos Made in England" shoes. Our apologies for posting what appears to have been inactivate information. Perhaps with the help of Mr. Tweed, we plan to post some tips on how to accurately differentiate between Tricker's-grade shoes and Tricker's-grade impersonators online.


  1. Just to put an end to this rumor/PR-trick: These loafers, and non of the other "Asos Made in England" shoes, are made by Trickers. I just spoke to Tricker's sales manager Roy Martiniak, and he was quite upset about it. It seems like Jason Dike at Selectism got this information not from "the horses mouths" but from the horses rears.

    The shoes are clearly not up to Tricker's standards, quite obvious if looking at the pictures. They are in fact, as mentioned in the Asos on-line store, made by NPS shoes Ltd.

    And I just visited Selectism again: They had erased the entire post.

    Mr. Tweed

  2. A kind thanks for doing the extra legwork and bringing this to our attention, Mr. Tweed. We consider Selectism to be a credible source, but should have confirmed the claim independently.

    Any tips to help our readers differentiate between Tricker's-grade shoes and Tricker's-grade impersonators online?

  3. I've never worn bench-made shoes: is there a difference?
